
Tetra Pak and Juhayna organize a media event to highlight the latest trends in consumers’ behaviours and the benefits of safe packed milk

By Eman Hamed 

Tetra Pak, world’s leading food processing and packaging solutions company, and Juhayna Food Industries, one of the largest companies in dairy production in the Egyptian market, organized a media event to highlight the latest trends in consumers’ behaviours and the benefits of safe packed milk and its importance to achieve a balanced diet. 

Held in Juhayna’s factory in 6th of October. Mrs. Passant Fouad, External Communication Manager in Juhayna Food Industries, Mrs. Marwa Gomaa, Regional Communications Director in Tetra Pak Africa, and Alia Omar, Marketing Director of Tetra Pak Egypt Area, in addition to Dr. Reda Abdel Gelil, Senior Food Safety & Regulatory affairs at the Chamber of Food Industries attended the event.

Alia Omar, Marketing Director of Tetra Pak Egypt, said, “Tetra Pak pays special attention to consumers and is always keen to interact with them through Tetra Pak Index Report that highlights the changes that occur on consumers’ behaviours and requirements that alter quickly. We work to fulfil these requirements through the provision of the latest production lines and advanced packaging equipment. Tetra Pak also works closely with partners in the food production sector to provide safe, notorious, and healthy food to the largest number of people all over the world.

Mrs. Passant Fouad, External Communication Manager in Juhayna Food Industries, noted, “Juhayna is one of the leading food production companies in Egypt that has been operating to offer the best safe food products in the Egyptian market for more than 39 years. The company succeeded in obtaining consumers’ trust in Egypt and other markets where we export our products. We value our partnership with Tetra Pak, one of the pioneering companies that provide innovative packaging solutions that help us preserve the nutritional value of our products to provide healthy and safe products to our consumers.

Tetra Pak revealed the results of Tetra Pak Index Report 2021 during the event. The report showed that consumer habits have changed fuelled by COVID-19 measures. These conditions encouraged consumers to discover new ways to adopt a better lifestyle. A large number of consumers noted that they became more aware of the importance of food hygiene and safety. About 50% of consumers think that the habits they’ve developed in that sense are here to stay and that this is considered a permanent change.

Among the most important changes in consumers trends in 2021 is the increase in the consumption of safe packed milk, and especially from the younger generation, who are seeking convenience and food safety. Packaged LDP in 2021 represented almost 54% in comparison to loose milk at 46%

Tetra Pak continues to raise the awareness of consumers in Egypt about the importance of consuming safe packed milk through highlighting the benefits of UHT milk, an advanced technology that preserves all important nutritional components of dairy products.

On the other hand, there are several potential hazards of the loose milk value chain. These include unrefrigerated transportation and the usage of plastic barrels that were previously used to transport liquid disinfectants, chlorine, and other materials. This is in addition to the exposure of milk to light, air, and temperature that enables bacteria to multiply rapidly in milk and leads to its spoilage.

Dr. Reda Abdel Gelil, Senior Food Safety & Regulatory affairs at the Chamber of Food Industries, said, “The consumption of loose milk exposes consumers to several hazards, as it usually contains germs and chemicals even after boiling it home. It doesn’t also offer all the benefits of milk to consumers.

Abdel Gelil added, “Safe packed UHT milk preserves the nutritional value of the product without the need to add preservatives. The products are easily transported with quality control in all transportation and distribution processes. This increases the shelf life to reach 6 months. Additionally, the products will last for 5 days after opening, provided it is kept in the refrigerator.

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